30 Years of Art
Thirty years of work. Thirty years of art. What a wonderful way to walk through life! Lucky me!
Architecture Series
Architecture is a conversation between the past and the future. The fractured building images used in this series are from Germany. The dialog of design starts with the camera and expands with the use of cloth, thread and digital photo transfers. Fragmented architectural elements and use of line and scale create depth and ambiguity. The graphic and realistic elements deepen the ambiguity even greater.
Social Justice Series
Much of my work over the decades, has addressed issues dealing with social issues. For me, art is a bridge; a way to get from one point to another, a way to come to terms with challenging issues. So here it is, art that deals with being hurt in school violence, dealing with loss, struggling with depression, social atrocities such as children in cages. Some of the art celebrates world leaders.
Below is a recording of the Quilts Japan Prize experience from 2019. This prize was awarded in 2018 at the Visions Art Museum in San Diego. The quiet parts in the presentation is music that is not included in this recording. Here is the music in case you are interested. Sources were credited in the presentation for the museum.
“A Place to Lay My Head”
Deborah Fell
Art quilt–A Place to Lay My Head–Quilts Japan Prize 2018
Visions Art Museum

*Credit was given to both sources.
Journey Series
Every day is a journey. Life is a dynamic process that constantly changes. Usually we stay on the anticipated course—moving towards goals and dreams. Sometimes though, our journey takes us on a different path and unexpected colors emerge. Slashes of fabric and color appear in places we did not expect and new patterns surface. Yet our journey continues. Colors swirl so great that we are forced out of our comfortable paradigms and begin to think in new ways. We move towards the eye of our soul in spite of the storms and surprises along the way.
Reclamation Series
Reuse, recycle. Waste nothing.
Pick up the little scraps that fall to the floor and create something new.
Thinking green…
Help the earth. Use it again. Reclaim.
Home Fires Burning
Mendocino Coast Conversations
The only thing I knew when I was preparing for my first experience as an artist-in-residence at the Mendocino Art Center in Mendocino, CA is that I was going there ‘to paint Mendocino’—a village on the bluffs of the Pacific Ocean in northern California that I fell in love with over thirty years ago, finding it randomly on a camping trip with my husband.
Installation Shots
Something to Talk About
Publications, books, posters~~~~~
Work in Progress
Faces in Cages